These Bonuses Available For Today Only!
These Bonuses Available For Today Only! 90%

If You Order Today, You’ll Also Receive

3 Exclusive Bonuses


1. What Every Survivalist Should Grow in His Backyard

This special report contains the most nutritious and toughest plants that you should start growing so you’ll never run out of food. These plants are reliable in the worst possible conditions, including drought, flooding, or light deprivation… and you’ll also find instructions on how to plant, grow, harvest, and STORE them.

2. How to Outlive an EMP the Early Pioneer Way

…which is a day-by-day guide that shows you what to do after an EMP every day, for 30 days, using The Lost Ways. In this report, you’ll learn the 10 things that you should do on day one, what to make on day 2, what you definitely need to turn to on day 3, and so on ’till day 30, when you’ll be absolutely 100% self-sufficient, protected, and able to help others if you want to. I’ll show you what to do every day after the EMP so you’ll never run out of water, food, or heat and then what to do or build to improve things day by day.

3. A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Own Can Rotation System

A can rotator is not only a time saver but also a money saver. The mechanism is very simple. Whenever you buy new cans, you insert them in the upper shelf. The cans will automatically roll down, and they will be the last in the row. When you pick them up, you do so from the shelf below, so you will always pick the can that you bought first and therefore with the closest expiration date. Once you have the plans and the step by step guide with pictures, all it takes is just one day of work, even less.